There are quite a few projects I have created or co-created, across the years - many of which I can’t even share, due to the NDAs signed.

Just as a parenthesis, all that you have seen on this website so far is recent work, done in the past 3 years.

Here are some of the special case studies: maybe something gone viral, maybe a peculiar project, 
maybe a high impact campaign, 
maybe a huge market coverage design product.

Or maybe something that I have created to support a cause using visual arts. Just discover below. Enjoy. 🙂

I Digitally Illustrated
The Map Of An 80-Acres Land
I did this by using: Google Satellite Imagery, a farm observational tour,
and then the touch-pad on Macbook, in Adobe Illustrator (brush). This is part of the result.

Once, when working in an ad agency, where I was oftentimes
the concept & design for integrated campaigns almost as a one woman show,
I Created An Awareness Campaign
That Exceeded Its Goals By 9%

The campaign was an internal one. It was for a factory 
(world-wide known, Romanian division) that needed its workers to reduce the energy consumption. The objective of the campaign was to reduce consumption by 3%. After half a year, the energy consumption analysis revealed a 12% reduction.

The campaign included: posters, flyers, an animated video, internal incentivising events for the factory personnel. I prepared all of the materials, in terms of concept, slogan, design.

The visual concept was an electricity meter, whose numbers were scrolling extremely fast and from which money bills were flying out.

The campaign slogan was based on a Romanian saying, quite slang, something like "Stop burning it foolishly" - that saying had a double meaning, in my native tongue: "stop wasting time" & "stop burning the energy" foolishly (and, to comprehend the slang level, it can be perceived somewhat like "cut the crap" may be, in English). This campaign was created 12 years ago. 🙂

Note: The NDAs signed with skobbler and, later on, with Telenav are the reason why this case study is so thin. My work was extensive - it was challenging and rewarding, at the same time. The global context of the products, the safety aspect of the in-car UX, my middle-management contribution - all these aspects I worked on for years built up on top of what I am today as a design thinker. Here are some keywords on my work there: design sprint methodology, agile, wireframing, product design, A/B testing, happy paths, edge cases, user flows, mirroring app, interating, production, cross-functional, native mobile, theming, cross-departments, operational, coaching, carrots and sticks, why leaders eat last, start with the why.

"The Oxymoron of Metonymy in the Plastic-Nature Relationship"

What a paradox, isn't it, that the very material that keeps the carrot fresh, beyond its time, mixes so barbarically with the rest of nature? Why do we think the plastic wrap over the fruits and vegetables we eat is so necessary and natural? This plastic is a big fat oxymoron in its relationship with nature. Plastic does not keep nature fresh. And it doesn't refresh it either.

Why do we act as if they do? Plastic as a whole suffocates nature and kills it prematurely. We gather the fruits of the earth too early and ripen them in bunches. Until it's too late to do it again, anyway. Wrapped, head to toe, living alongside oceans emptied of fish and birds drowning in microparticles. That foil is the best thing for your fridge.

Technique used: Mixed media on recycled paper - liner, watercolor, dried leaves, recycled plastic film collage, glue

"Parallel Plastivers - Or When Seeing a Shark is a Joy"

What would it be like to project the reality on Planet Earth into a dystopia where the use of plastic and other materials or substances harmful to the environment is getting more and more out of control, and the separation of human constructions from nature is becoming more acute? We are on a life-drained and increasingly artificial planet, where synthetics hold people's health by a thread. The thread has been broken for some time now for so many of the other species because the noxious materials have been invasive and destructive to ecosystems.

How would it be to project the reality on Planet Earth into a utopia in which the use of plastic and other materials or substances harmful to the environment comes back under control, through strict regulations and innovative policies, and the separation of human constructions from nature diminishes?

We are on a planet that is starting to regain its biodiversity, to regain the health of its soil and water, to reduce climate change and its impact. To breathe. Reusing materials and turning them from trash to building materials is complemented by the integration of nature on pre-existing constructions, by adapting architecture to human and environmental needs.

How would that be? In which "parallel plastic universe" do you want to count your wrinkles and grandchildren?

Technique used: Mixed media on recycled paper - liner, watercolor, watercolor paper collage

Thanks for reading - I hope it was relevant.

On the website you can discover a few more case studies.

I consider all the results of my work a co-creation alongside my clients.

The selection of studies is just a glimpse of what my creative process can be.

Stay imaginative and open.
We can go places together.